Nicholas and Suzanne are the founders of The Jander Group, Inc. and still actively handle the day-to-day operations. Their teamwork approach and passion for helping clients continue to be pillars for the company and are as lively today as they were back in 1990. Nicholas and Suzanne began their professional careers in real estate in the 80’s and 70s, respectively. Prior to starting The Jander Group, Inc., Nicholas and Suzanne owned Apartment Locator Specialists which connected apartment seekers with apartment communities. Over the years, both have served in various positions for real estate associations and are experts in the residential real estate industry. Nicholas is also a licensed attorney specializing in real estate, contracts, and labor law. His vast knowledge of residential real estate coupled with his expertise in our judicial system, enhances The Jander Group's abilities to manage properties to their fullest potential. One of Suzanne’s specialties is real estate marketing honed through her extensive experience over the years. From being the former editor of the Memphis Apartment Guide to creating the advertising for Apartment Locator Specialists that coordinated with 300+ apartment communities to now overseeing the marketing for The Jander Group, Suzanne has become a marketing expert through all of our experiences.
Nicholas and Suzanne invite you to contact The Jander Group to learn about the company’s truly professional and honest property management services. Their friendly staff looks forward to hearing from you.